How Do Pet Insurance Know About Pre-Existing Conditions

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More often than not, pet insurance policies don’t cover pre-existing conditions such as illnesses and injuries that show symptoms or come up before the plan takes into effect. Don’t even think about hiding it from the insurance company because they will find out. So, how do pet insurance know about pre existing conditions?

There are examinations and a series of questions to be conducted before your pet gets insured by a policy. If a pre-existing condition has been identified within the waiting period, it’s essential to understand what is covered and not. Therefore, make sure to review the requirements before you purchase pet insurance.

Find out How Do Pet Insurance Know About Pre-Existing Conditions

Can Pet Insurance Find Out About Pre Existing Conditions

A pre-existing condition is a pet’s health condition diagnosed before getting insured or during the waiting period. Covering your pet with a pre-existing medical condition can be expensive for the pet insurer. Therefore, it’s less likely for insurance companies to cover high-risk situations.

If you want to know how pet insurance companies find out about pre-existing conditions, you should consider some common examples. The following are a few conditions that are examined by insurers:

  • If the dog has fractured his paw before getting insured, the cost of treatment is not covered by the policy. Other expenses for the injury will also not be covered, except if the condition is eligible for the insurance coverage.
  • Every insurance provider may offer different plans for pre-existing conditions. You are advised to read the policy thoroughly to meet your expectations.
  • Some pet insurance companies will not consider it a pre-existing condition if they are already cured and symptoms are no longer observed for 6 months or 180 days. However, this may exclude ligament and knee conditions within the waiting period or policy effective date.

The truth is, most pet insurance providers don’t want to cover any pre-existing conditions such as congenital problems once they’ve been diagnosed. But you may be given a few exceptions to take advantage of pet insurance policies that cover some pre-existing health conditions.

Can Pet Health Insurance Company Turn You Down for Pre Existing Condition?

If a pet has a pre-existing condition, you can still purchase the insurance plan and reduce treatment costs for the medical condition your pet may already have. On the other hand, curable pre-existing conditions may be covered by your pet insurance provider. Good news, right?

But let’s be straightforward with this, pre-existing conditions that are curable may be covered only after the waiting period. The condition is present before your pet gets insured, but your pup could recover in time. You will find some of the utmost ordinary pre-existing conditions that are still curable for pets here:

  • Diarrhea and gastrointestinal issues.
  • Upper respiratory infection.
  • Ear infection.
  • Urinary tract infection.

Pets with these conditions will get covered once they have recovered within the policy effective date. On the other hand, there are chronic conditions that are not usually covered by pet insurance plans as expensive to treat. These are the following:

  • Diabetes
  • Torn cruciate ligament
  • Skin problems
  • Patellar luxation
  • Chronic kidney diseases
  • Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Disc problems
  • Sarcoma and other cancers
  • Chronic breathing issues
  • Arthritis
  • Allergies

Treatment costs for these chronic pre-existing conditions are no joke. Therefore, it’s essential to talk to the insurer and understand which states are covered by the policy.

How Is a Pre Existing Condition Determined

How Is a Pre Existing Condition Determined?

If a particular medical condition is not yet diagnosed, pet insurers do a few ways to determine pre-existing problems with your pet. If your dog has fractured ligaments or bones, it will show during the examination and observation period.

Ideally, pets are assessed to determine pre-existing conditions. Providers may also ask for proof that your dog or cat is healthy through a medical examination before the insurance plan is given. Also, pet insurance companies may also check your pet’s veterinary records.

Before enrollment, some insurers don’t ask for medical records or veterinary exam to purchase a policy. However, it’s better, to be honest with your pet’s current condition to avoid future problems, especially when it comes to treatment costs.


Does Embrace Pet Insurance Cover Pre Existing Conditions?

Pet insurance plans such as Embrace Pet Insurance distinguish between incurable and curable pre-existing conditions. Hence, they cover curable diseases that are treatment- and symptom-free within 12 months. If your pet’s condition falls into this category, then you can benefit from policy benefits that cover medical costs.

Suppose you’re wondering why most insurance policies do not cover pre-existing conditions. In that case, that is because your pet insurance is meant to protect your fur baby from unexpected events such as injuries and illnesses. It’s not designed to cover your expenses due to an ongoing medical condition.

Planning for your pet’s future is crucial nowadays. It would be best if you understood that pet care doesn’t come cheap. If you want to protect your pet from the inevitable, buying an insurance policy that meets your needs is the best solution right now.


Wrapping It Up

Pets with pre-existing conditions may still enjoy insurance coverage provided that the insurer is informed and there is an agreement. Check the content if it includes behavioral disorders, alternative therapies, and hereditary or congenital conditions.

Depending on the policy, pre-existing conditions of pets may be included in the coverage after the waiting period or once the policy takes effect. Likewise, past medical treatments or wellness services are not eligible for reimbursement, just like pre-existing conditions may not be covered.

It’s so simple to enroll in pet insurance policies that may cover pre-existing conditions when you do your research. Ask for some recommendations and shop around before purchasing an insurance plan that meets your pet’s veterinary needs. So, have you already invested in pet insurance?

How Do Pet Insurance Know About Pre Existing Conditions - An Easy Guide

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